Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rose Hsu Jordan-->Half and Half: Chapter 7-term:diction

The Twenty-Six Malignant Gates
The chapter starts out with Rose talking about her mother's faith.  Her mother's faith has faded quickly over the years.  Rose talks about how she is getting a divorce from her husband Ted.  They got married pretty young and realized it was never going to work.  The majority of the chapter is Rose telling a childhood memory of her brother Bing dying.  They took a family vacation to the beach.  Her mother believed in nengkan which meant you can do anything you set your mind to.  Rose says, "It was this belief in their nengkan that had brought my parents to America.  It had enabled them to have seven children and buy a house in the Sunset district with very little money. It had given them the confidence to believe their luck would never run out..." (121).  This quote made me think of the popular Bible verse: I can do all through Christ who strengthens me because it was the same idea.  It is also important in the type of people the Hsu family was.  They spend the day at the beach and try to relax.  Rose explained, "And we children sat huddled shoulder to shoulder on the blanket, reaching into the grocery sack full of bologna sandwiches, which we hungrily ate salted with sand from our fingers" (123).  This sentence in the chapter I thought had great diction. The arrangement and way the author put this stuck out to me.  The family ends up losing their little boy Bing, because he falls into the sea.  The mother and Rose search for Bing, until they lose hope.   
The Twenty-Six Malignant Gates: A book about certain dangers that will happen to children on certain days

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